Rink Rules and Policies - Under Construction
- There is no smoking or gum chewing at anytime inside the Roll Arena
- We ask that you keep ALL food and drinks on the snack bar side of the Roll Arena
- Because the Roll Arena is not responsible for lost or stolen items,
please make sure to keep all personal items in a locker. Lockers are 50
- We also ask that you do not play in or on the lockers, at anytime.
- We ask that while on the floor you:
- Do not wear hats, sunglasses, or visors on the skating floor.
- Skate at a normal speed
- There will be a Speed Skate, Backwards Skate, and a Slow Skate later.
- Skate in the same direction as everyone else
- Do not backwards skate
- If you wish to backwards skate when the skate is an all skate, you may do so ONLY INSIDE the center of the floor, marked off by the black line.
- Do not stop to talk to your friends.
- Please exit the floor to talk to friends or family.
- When exiting the floor you choose the nearest exit in the same
DIRECTION as you are headed.
- Please DO NOT turn around to exit the skating floor
- Do not cut through the center of the floor.