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Rink Rules and Policies - Under Construction


  1. There is no smoking or gum chewing at anytime inside the Roll Arena
  2. We ask that you keep ALL food and drinks on the snack bar side of the Roll Arena
  3. Because the Roll Arena is not responsible for lost or stolen items, please make sure to keep all personal items in a locker. Lockers are 50 cents.
    1. We also ask that you do not play in or on the lockers, at anytime.
  4.  We ask that while on the floor you:
    1. Do not wear hats, sunglasses, or visors on the skating floor.
    2. Skate at a normal speed
      1. There will be a Speed Skate, Backwards Skate, and a Slow Skate later.
    3. Skate in the same direction as everyone else
    4. Do not backwards skate
      1. If you wish to backwards skate when the skate is an all skate, you may do so ONLY INSIDE the center of the floor, marked off by the black line.
    5. Do not stop to talk to your friends.
      1. Please exit the floor to talk to friends or family.
    6. When exiting the floor you choose the nearest exit in the same DIRECTION as you are headed.
      1. Please DO NOT turn around to exit the skating floor
    7. Do not cut through the center of the floor.